BikesBike WorksDonations
Books, DVDs, GamesWorld of BooksResale
Electronic WasteOne Green Planet, Best BuyRecycling
Hazardous Waste King County Hazardous Waste, Washington State Department of EcologyDisposal
Home Improvement MaterialsHabitat for Humanity ReStoresDonations
Household ItemsGoodwillSalvation Army, Northwest CenterDonations
Hygiene Products AAA’s Soap for Hope ProgramDonations
Junk Mail Opt-OutDirect Marketing AssociationOpt-Out
Medication FDA Drug Take Back ProgramDisposal
Recycling DirectoriesEarth911, Recycle NationRecycling
ShoesNike’s Reuse-A-Shoe Program, Soles4SoulsRecycling
Subscription ServicesRidwellRecycling
Thrift/ConsignmentPoshmark, ThredUp, VintedResale